Welcome to the new edition of “Spring Of Motion / Printemps du mouvement à Strasbourg”, taking place April 18 – 20, 2025!

We’re delighted to welcome Paula Gammon Wilson (USA), Pamela Battanta (Switzerland), Cédric Bégin (France), as well as Inga Kurcisa (Latvia) , who will be accompanied by Browly Adjavon (Togo, Portugal, France). And let’s not forget the entire event team of BDance. WOW! What a great team!

Below you’ll find all the practical information you need to know about the workshop, including biographies, times, prices, venue and registration form. So, without further ado, here’s all the info!

Presentation of paula gammon wilson :

the american queen of many talents

Paula Gammon Wilson is a self-proclaimed retired professional dancer …. hahaha I’m laughing myself, but here are her words, so maybe you’ll understand.

She graduated from Walnut Hill School for the Arts (design and production) and double-majored in theatre production and movement studies at Pomona College.
Midway through her first year, she auditioned for the professional division of the Alvin Ailey School in New York. City and was accepted. After completing the Ailey School program, she danced and choreographed for various companies, television and musicals in Asia, Europe, South America, Eastern Europe and South America, Asia, Europe, South America and the USA for 15 years.

She also danced and taught Argentine tango for 12 years before devoting herself to West Coast Swing. She has been teaching and competing in West Coast Swing since 2012 and has also taught at various Fusion festivals, including Motley Hue and DJX. She directed The International Partner Dance Intensive (TIPDI) from 2012 to 2017 and Westie Cafe from 2015 to 2020, both in New York. Currently, she dances more Forró than anything else and was recently invited to teach at the Mario Bonita Festival in Lisbon, Portugal.

When she’s not dancing, she’s owner and director of Pepsqually VO and Sound Design and Pepsqually Portugal – an award-winning dubbing and sound studio for cartoon voice-over designs.

She is very honored to have been invited to teach by Inga and Browly. She looks forward to meeting you and exploring new movement possibilities with you!

Some links to videos of this exceptional dancer :

Presentation of Pamela battanta :

BIO of the passionate queen of movement

Pamela is a sports teacher for future schoolteachers and is also, among other things, Tanzlehrerin Swissdance, Member Standard/Latin IDTA, Salsa+Tango Argentino Teacher Diploma and one of the few certified DYLOG teachers.

In short, diplomas are nice, but they’re not everything… Above all, she’s a passionate dancer who has also practised ContactImpro, theater, Brazilian zouk and “African” dance for many years…

She’s a dancer and teacher who has the particularity of getting to the bottom of things, of loving to learn, teach, share and experience the disciplines she practices. This is also one of her strengths, as she is always open-minded enough to be able to progress.

What also interests her, and what she wishes to share with us, is the search for personal expression through dance and not just the reproduction of beautiful forms. She likes to see two dancers expressing themselves and creating a couple, rather than two soloists dancing individually and holding each other. But why? To experience unique moments with each person, always with kindness and humanity, reacting and playing.

With such motivation, it should come as no surprise that she’s been invited to teach with us and for you. I can assure you that this dancer, whom you undoubtedly know and yet who is incredibly humble and discreet, is a treasure. Yes, quite simply!

Some links to videos of this magnificent dancer :
– West Coast Spring 2018 : Pamela pendant la présentation des professeurs
– En attendant Noel 2018 : Pamela B. et Browly

Présentation de Cédric  bégin :

BIO of cédric shikando

Cédric is a passionate practitioner and teacher of Shikandō, an innovative and unique approach that is deeply humanistic and transformative, a conscious movement practice that combines fluidity, intuition and personal fulfillment.

Founder of Shikandō, he accompanies practitioners in a profound exploration of their bodies and emotions through bodywork that fosters creativity and inner harmony.

With over 20 years’ experience in couple dance (Tango, WCS, Brazilian Zouk, Salsa, etc.), dance (Contact Dance, Biodanza, etc.), martial arts and body therapies, dance therapy and psychomotricity, he has developed a method that is a unique opportunity to explore a variety of body practices in an integrative and playful way, in sharing, mutual support and complicity, functionality, improvisation…

For over 10 years, Cédric, who is also a psychologist and psychotherapist, has been sharing his vision of movement and dance as a tool for transformation, exploration and self-fulfillment, by leading workshops and courses that enable people to re-unite with their bodies and open up new avenues of expression through movement.

At his workshop at Printemps du Mouvement 2025, he will be proposing a unique journey to awaken the creative and liberating potential of each participant.

Link to videos of this unfortunately little-known artist yet talented and amazing :

Presentation of inga kurcisa :

BIO of the princesse froom Latia and other half of BeiNG

Inga is a passionate dancer from Latvia with an atypical dance background.

She began dancing at the age of 6, with “show” dance. She then broadened her horizons with ballet and hip hop. But after the birth of her 1st child, she started again, this time with line dance, and it was then that she crossed paths with west coast swing, which she fell in love with.

After teaching this dance for several years in Riga, she realized that she had been running away from something that had seemed so obvious: “she wanted to throw herself body and soul into dancing, and wanted dance to be an integral part of her life”. So she decided to go back to university to study dance and dance teaching. Her chosen disciplines included hip hop, ballet, jazz, contemporary and Latvian folk dance.

What intrigues and fascinates her about west coast swing? It’s that it’s a dance that fosters creativity and is constantly evolving. She loves the great freedom it offers in the choice of possible movements to express herself. She’s also convinced that you can learn something new every day, and that wcs allows you to really grow as a dancer.

“Dancing is breathing for me, it’s a necessity and not just a hobby. For me, it’s a way of expressing emotions, whether joy or sadness”. Inga is a human dancer, generous, respectful and close to people. She’s an attentive teacher whose pedagogy will take you on a gentle journey and help you grow. Meeting her will be an experience in itself.

Link to videos of this subtle princess :

Planning du week-end

Vendredi 18 avril  2025 :

20h30 à 23h30 : Pre PARTY !

Samedi 19 avril 2025 :

9h15 : Ouverture des portes et acceuil des participants

9h45 à 12h00 : Ateliers par groupe 

13h45 à 15h15 : Ateliers par groupe 

15h30 à 17h00 : Ateliers par groupe

20h15 à 21h15 : Atelier tout niveau (hors débutant)

21h30 à 1h00 : PARTY time 

Dimanche 20 avril 2025 :

–  9h45 : Ouverture des portes

10h00 à 13h00 : Atelier Mini Intensif « Le toucher en mouvement et l’expression créative » animé par Pamela Battanta.

Quelles sont les couleurs des groupes !

Both groups “west coast swing plus” and “mouvement et au delà” will have workshops with Paula AND ALSO with Cédric. BeING will only run the pre-party workshop on Saturday evening. Pamela will be giving sunday’s mini intensive. All workshops will be translated into French if necessary to facilitate understanding. Having said that, the group descriptions provided below are there to help you choose your group according to your expectations.

Casual dress recommended ….

Groupe « West coast swing plus » :

West coast swing is the dance you know best and the only one you’re interested in at the moment. You’re ready to discover movement-related notions that you can put into your west coast swing, but you really need and want to be shown the direct applications in a sequence or pass with the west coast swing structure.

To join this group, we recommend that you have at least two years’ experience of couple dancing.

Groupe « mouvement et au delà » :

You may have different styles of dance under your belt, whether solo or as a couple, and you are already juggling and/or integrating this diverse knowledge into your bodily expression. You approach these different dance styles with a particular emphasis on technique and understanding it, and not exclusively in terms of linking passes and gestures.

You’re interested above all in movement, in feeling, in the possibilities of movement exchanges and interactions with others and/or sounds. You’re keen to explore technical points and approaches in greater depth, and are open to experimentation.

What’s more, the concept of working on exercises is already more than enough for you, and you don’t necessarily need a direct pass into your favorite dance to make you happy (west coast swing or other).

So you’ll understand that in this group it’s essential to be open-minded, curious and willing to explore. Working with someone who doesn’t have the same degree of mastery as you on a particular point isn’t a hindrance for you, and you’re convinced that it can even be interesting in many ways.

Workshop before the saturday party !

Atelier pré soirée tout niveau animé par BeING (hors débutant):

Vous n’avez pas pu vous libérer en journée mais souhaiteriez profiter de cette occasion pour vous préchauffer ? Vous étiez là mais vous en voulez encore davantage ? Vous êtes même un tout nouveau danseur de wcs et souhaitez aussi faire partie de la fête, ne vous en faites pas ce cours vous sera aussi accessible. Tout comme pour nos soirées, il nous tient à cœur de réunir les danseurs de différentes expériences pour partager en cours car nous pensons qu’il n’y a rien de tel aussi pour progresser dans cette danse qui est avant tout sociale! Cet atelier est donc un atelier tous niveaux. Allons au-delà de certains conditionnements sociaux/culturels. Pour nous, il peut y avoir différentes manières d’apprendre et l’expérimentation en sortant de sa zone de confort dans un milieu bienveillant et respectueux en est une. Voilà une originalité supplémentaire qui fait partie de notre ADN !

Sunday’s Mini intensive with pamela battanta !

« Le Toucher en Mouvement et l’expression créative »:

Join us for a 3-hour workshop exploring creative self-expression while in contact with another dancer. Through movement, we’ll dive into the art of being present, refining body techniques and improving your responsiveness in dance.

Discover how to “dance through” moments of play, uncertainty and creativity while maintaining connection with another person. This workshop will focus on :
Touch in movement: Using physical connection to inspire and be inspired by movement.

Creative expression: Discovering and embracing your personal movement style while exploring connection.

Partner and group dynamics: Discover how your movements directly influence your partner while cultivating responsiveness and creativity.
Body refinement: Playing with different technical skills and movement sensibility.

It’s an invitation to broaden your dance language, deepen your awareness, appreciate the beauty of shared movement and be creative in dance.

A playful yet intense program! A few practical details though:
– No WCS level is required for this workshop.
– There’s no need to register as a couple, as the work can be done in pairs, regardless of gender.
– The only condition is that you don’t have a gambling phobia

Formules et Tarifs !

  • Formule intense*- 5H de cours du même niveau le samedi : 80€ (70€ en early bird)
  • Formule extra*- 5H d’atelier du même niveau le samedi +1H d’atelier avant soirée animé par BeING : 90€ (80€ en early bird)
  • Pass Dimanche -3H d’atelier ” Le toucher en mouvement et l’expression créative ” animé par Pamela Battanta : 55€ (45€ en early bird)
  • Formule Full Pass*- Formule Dimanche + Formule extra : 125€ (105€ en early bird)
  • Pack du samedi soir : Party + atelier 1H avant : 20€
  • Party samedi ou Pré Party vendredi : 10€

(*)Friday’s Pre Party and Saturday’s Party are included in the Intense, Extra and Full pass packages.

***** EARLY BIRD*****

Take advantage of a discount of up to €20 on the above prices (excluding the pre-practice workshop package, the Sunday pass only and the Saturday evening pack) by registering up to and including February 13, 2025. If you’re placed on the waiting list, your registration date will be the date of your online registration. What’s more, once your registration has been validated by return e-mail, you will have 1 week (7 calendar days) to make your payment if your registration has been confirmed after February 13, 2025. If these conditions are not met, the discount cannot be applied or claimed.

Where is it taking place ?

 Salle polyvalente d’Achenheim,

Rue de Holtzheim, 77202 Achenheim

– Possibilité de parking gratuit à l’arrière de la salle. 

How to register ?

In order to manage the balance between male and female dancers, and because places are limited, we invite you to register online. Click here to register : Registration FORM

Any questions?

Don’t hesitate to write to us, we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. contacter ici.